
Yearly SCA deaths


Yearly child cases


Survival rate


W / good brain function

Join Our Cause!

Play your part and help us save a heart! There is always a way in which you can get involved. Whether that is through volunteering or donations, we are so excited for you to join us in this journey of raising awareness and saving hearts!

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Cardiac arrest is “one of the most lethal public health problems in the United States, claiming more lives than colorectal cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, influenza, pneumonia, auto accidents, HIV, firearms, and house fires combined. In many cases… cardiac arrest victims have ‘hearts too good to die.”

Julieta’s Story

On May 3rd, 2020, after a seemingly normal day quarantining at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, Julieta suffered a sudden cardiac arrest while working out with her sister upstairs. Her mother and sister had to watch as EMS responders unceasingly worked to bring her back, until they finally did about 23 minutes later. Her father and brother felt helpless as they received the news while in another country. Julieta’s fight for her life did not end there, as more complications came by once she arrived at the hospital.

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What We Do

CPR Training

With how sudden and unpredictable SCA is, it is of utmost importance that everyone is educated in CPR and knows what to do in the case of an emergency. If CPR is performed within a few minutes of a cardiac arrest, it can double or triple the person’s chances of survival. This is why we are offering CPR and AED training adhering to the American Heart Association course in person, or online through our partnership with HSI.

AED Donation

Because sudden cardiac arrest can happen to anyone, at any time, in any place, it is crucial for the safety of our community to have well-functioning AEDs located everywhere – highly-populated buildings, offices, parks, etc. Since it is yet to become a law for many of these locations to have an AED in place, with your help, we will donate AEDs and provide them with the life-saving equipment in hopes to increase the survival rate of sudden cardiac arrest.

Heart Screenings

The most effective way to prevent sudden cardiac arrest is with early detection of heart abnormalities. Studies have found that with the use of ECGs, which are about 90.4% accurate, approximately 90% of all sudden cardiac arrest cases could be prevented. Even with this immense amount of research, ECGs are not provided with routine check-ups and sports physicals. It is for these reasons that we have decided to bring these services to our community and screen as many hearts as possible in hopes to prevent people from having sudden cardiac death be their first sign of a heart condition.



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What is SCA?

As the leading cause of natural deaths in the United States and the #1 cause of death among student-athletes, it is of utmost importance that people are aware of what sudden cardiac arrest really is.

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There are certain conditions or habits that can increase a person’s chances of suffering a sudden cardiac arrest. Knowing what these are may help someone who lives with any of these conditions find ways in which they can prevent a sudden cardiac arrest from occurring.

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Warning Sings

Many people present symptoms a couple of weeks or days prior to a sudden cardiac arrest. Acknowledging such symptoms and knowing what they suggest is key to surviving a possible cardiac arrest.

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What It Looks Like

Sudden cardiac arrests are not always silent episodes. It is common that those experiencing such event imitate the reaction of someone having a seizure. Recognizing that this is a common response to a sudden cardiac arrest is crucial to proceeding appropriately.

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Steps to Save a Life

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Good Samaritan Law

In the US, there is a law that helps defend good samaritans who step in to help others in need. The risk of being sued for doing a good deed and providing aid to someone in need will be totally eliminated. There is no need to be hesitant and not take action.

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“Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you”
-Misty Copeland

With the intent to give hope to the small percentage of those who have recently survived a sudden cardiac arrest or the family members of those who have experienced such, we showcase the stories of those who have suffered from one and are now continuing on with their lives. Our goal is that, through sharing their stories, we will give hope to those who are in the beginning stages of recovery and their family members and show them that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

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“What is lovely never dies, but passes into other loveliness”
-Thomas Bailey Aldrich

Because the survival rate of sudden cardiac arrest is so incredibly low, there are more people who do not live to tell their story than those who do. We do not want to downplay the matter by only sharing the story of the small percentage of survivors. Most family members of those who tragically passed away from sudden cardiac arrest make it their life’s purpose to share their stories and raise awareness to prevent what happened to them from happening to anyone else. While these interviews are hard to watch, they are extremely important to showcase the gravity of the matter and incite change in our society.

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