It is crucial that, as a bystander, you call 911 immediately after you notice a cardiac arrest take place and start performing chest compressions while paramedics get to you. While CPR can help keep oxygenated blood circulating through the body, additional measures have to be taken in order to get the heart to start beating on its own again, such as using an automated external defibrillator (AED). Additionally, emergency medical responders have different machines that allow for better execution of many things, including CPR.

Paramedics have the ability to administer medications, such as adrenaline, which are often drilled into the victim’s bone marrow as an aiding hormone to jump-start the heart once again as well as intubate the patient to allow for constant airflow.

In conclusion, when you are in a situation where you do not know how to proceed medically, always call 911 and perform chest compressions. It is not only important to do so to save the other person’s life, but you may also be liable for the person’s outcome if 911 is not called.