What Is Hope Corner?

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With the intent to give hope to the small percentage of those who have recently survived a sudden cardiac arrest or the family members of those who have experienced such, we showcase the stories of those who have suffered from one and are now continuing on with their lives. Our goal is that, through sharing their stories, we will give hope to those who are in the beginning stages of recovery and their family members and show them that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

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Because the survival rate of sudden cardiac arrest is so incredibly low, there are more people who do not live to tell their story than those who do. We do not want to downplay the matter by only sharing the story of the small percentage of survivors. Most family members of those who tragically passed away from sudden cardiac arrest make it their life’s purpose to share their stories and raise awareness to prevent what happened to them from happening to anyone else. While these interviews are hard to watch, they are extremely important to showcase the gravity of the matter and incite change in our society.

If you have any connection to SCA, either as a survivor or a family member, and feel comfortable sharing your story, we would love to have you be a part of our hope corner! Please fill out a contact form so we can schedule an interview with you.

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In his first varsity basketball game, Greg Moyer, a 16-year-old high school athlete, died of sudden cardiac arrest. His brave mother, Rachel Moyer, speaks about his story, Greg’s outstanding personality, and what they have done since to change laws to prevent other kids from meeting Greg’s fate. She made the first law that stated that all public schools must have an AED in the US and is an advocate for the use of CPR and other life-saving procedures.

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On May 22, 2012, Brock Ruether, a 16-year-old high school athlete, died of sudden cardiac arrest. His incredible mom, Kim Ruether, talks to us about the day it happened, the amazing things she has done to raise awareness and prevent sudden cardiac deaths, what she has learned after the incident, and encourages people to educate themselves on life-saving procedures such as CPR and AEDs (which are extremely easy to operate).

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On July 23rd, 2009, Eric Paredes, a multisport athlete, died of sudden cardiac arrest at the startling age of 15. His amazing father, Hector Paredes, and Co-Executive Director, Maureen Legg, talk about Eric’s story and their incredible foundation in order to help the youth in California and across the United States of America by creating legislation, holding heart screenings for teens, and raising awareness about sudden cardiac arrest.

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Meredith Nelson-Uram, an incredibly positive woman, athlete, and mother of two, suffered a sudden cardiac arrest on the night of November 14th, 2019, just a week after the birth of her second son. She talks to us about the night of her incident, her recovery process, her new outlook on life, and more.

Thankful To…

Her husband Nick Uram, her mother, her dad, her in-laws, her community, her family, friends, coworkers, paramedics, and emergency responders.


Susan Koeppen, Emmy Award-Winning Journalist, women’s health advocate, mom, wife, and news anchor, suffered a sudden cardiac arrest in 2011 at the age of 39. She shares with us her story, the warning signs she presented before her event, and her recovery to running marathons again.

Thankful To…

The med students that performed CPR before paramedics arrived, the person who called 911, paramedics and firefighters, and doctors.


Mike Papale, former collegiate basketball coach and nonprofit founder, suffered a sudden cardiac arrest on August 24, 2006, at the young age of 17. He talks to us about his experience as well as the amazing work his foundation is doing to prevent others from experiencing sudden cardiac arrest.

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