Julieta Valdes

Co-Founder and SCA Survivor

Julieta is a current junior at The Woodlands High School, an SCA survivor, and co-founder of Surviving SCA. Having suffered a cardiac arrest at the age of 16, Julieta has embarked on this mission to put an end to sudden cardiac arrest and sudden cardiac death.

Patricia Valdes


Patricia is a current senior at the University of Texas at Austin, studying mechanical engineering with a track in computational engineering and robotics and mechatronics. After witnessing and saving her younger sister from a near-death experience, Patty created Surviving SCA alongside Julieta with hopes to raise awareness for sudden cardiac arrest and teach life-saving skills.


Patricia De la Garza


Patricia is the mother of Julieta and Patty Valdes. She was also present on the night of Julieta’s cardiac arrest and played a pivotal part in her survival. Currently, she dedicates her efforts to serving as a volunteer manager for Surviving SCA.

Erik Langeland


Erik, Julieta’s godfather, is currently serving as the foundation’s lawyer and counselor. He has donated his services and a great amount of time to make Surviving SCA a registered non-profit foundation.

Maria Angelica Villalobos

Accountant / Financial Advisor

Maria is a volunteer accountant for Surviving SCA, contributing greatly to the foundation and the team. She has diligently worked to ensure that the non-profit achieve its mission.